Can You Learn Music Theory Without Playing an Instrument?

learn music theory without playing an instrument

If the thought of learning music theory has crossed your mind but you do not know how to play a musical instrument you have probably wondered if you should. So, can you learn music theory without playing an instrument? Yes, you can but there are disadvantages.

In this article, we will go over some of the most common questions surrounding this topic.

Do you need an instrument to learn music theory?

No, you do not need a musical instrument to learn music theory. Music theory is the study of the structure of music, melody, harmony, and rhythm, and from a theoretical point of view, it can be studied without applying it directly. 

It includes learning about the structure of melodies, chords, and scales, as well as understanding how intervals, rhythms, and harmonies work together. 

To study music theory without playing an instrument, you can use online courses, textbooks, or private lessons.

Disadvantages of learning music theory without playing an instrument

There are many disadvantages of learning music theory without playing an instrument. One disadvantage is that it can be difficult to understand the theory without being able to hear how the theory applies to music. It can be challenging to apply the theory to your own playing if you don’t have any hands-on experience.

Some of the main disadvantages of learning music theory without playing an instrument are:

  • It will be more difficult to understand concepts
  • You will have to develop other ways of practicing rhythm
  • It is difficult to visualize notes, and chords
  • You won’t develop your ear training

It will be more difficult to understand concepts

Understanding music theory concepts requires listening to music, so you can identify and fully comprehend different chord progressions, modes, and harmonies. While you can still learn this just theoretically, it will be a great advantage to play a musical instrument to understand most of the musical concepts 

You will have to develop other ways of practicing rhythm

Understanding rhythm, and developing a good sense of rhythm requires practice, and it is important to use a musical instrument for this. Especially to understand the different time signatures, it will be very helpful to play a musical instrument.

It is difficult to visualize notes, and chords

Visualizing how a note, a chord, or a lick sounds is a lot more difficult if you are not playing an instrument. You can obviously study if those chords or notes sound good together, but it is a lot easier to pick up an instrument and just play them. This is especially important if you intend to compose music.

You won’t develop your ear training

Developing your musical hearing ability is extremely important, and one of the best ways to do it is by playing an instrument. While you can still practice musical hearing without playing, it would be very helpful to use an instrument to guide you.

Can I learn music theory on my own?

You can learn music theory on your own, but it can be challenging if you do not have a teacher, or someone to guide you. Today there are several resources available like courses, videos, and even old-fashioned books that will allow you to teach yourself musical theory. Just understand that it will take a little more time to teach yourself something than learning from an expert.

Can I learn music production without knowing playing an instrument?

Yes, you can be a music producer and not be able to play any instrument, however, it will be a very difficult task. A music producer is in charge of the recording process, and its main goal is to make sure the recording comes out as expected. Knowing how to play an instrument can be a crucial part of the process, and you can even play some of the tracks.

If you want to produce music using software, then you don’t necessarily need to know how to play an instrument. However, if you want to produce music using traditional instruments, then you would need some basic knowledge of how to play those instruments.

How long does it take to learn music theory without playing an instrument?

It can take between a year and two years before you start mastering music theory, but it depends on the dedication and effort you put into it. Overall playing a musical instrument could help you speed up the process. This is due to the vast amount of things you will have to learn in music theory, which covers topics such as notation, scales, intervals, chords, and melody writing.

The basics of music theory can be picked up in a few months, but to truly understand and master the concepts can take years of practice.

What instrument is best for learning music theory?

The best instrument for learning music theory is the piano. Since all of the notes are visible on the piano, it is a great instrument to visualize how chords are built, and what notes go in each scale. This is why the piano is usually taught to young kids, and even music producers and composers rely on the piano. It is also a very versatile instrument that can be used for several music genres from classical music, Jazz, to making beats for electronic music.

When should you learn music theory?

Music theory is an important skill for any musician to learn, and it should be taught as early as possible. When we are young, we have a better ability to learn and understand new concepts, and there is also scientific research that points to the benefits of learning music at a young age. According to research conducted by USC, children’s brains develop faster if they are learning music.

Music theory provides a strong foundation for understanding how music works and can give musicians a deeper understanding and appreciation for the music they are playing. In addition, music theory can help musicians with composition, arranging, and improvisation. 


Music theory is something that can be learned by just about anyone, and it is especially important if you are a musician or you want to work in the music industry. However, you do not need to play a musical instrument to learn it. 

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